E&O Exposures: Websites & Social Media (ABEN) Course #108874 | 1 P&C This course is designed to educate insurance industry professionals on the Errors and Omissions exposures they face in various areas of public-facing marketing. This course will cover Standard of Care laws in all states and how special relationships are affected and duties heightened when agencies use certain language in their written materials.
E&O Exposures: Websites & Social Media (ABEN)
Course #108874 | 1 P&C
This course is designed to educate insurance industry professionals on the Errors and Omissions exposures they face in various areas of public-facing marketing. This course will cover Standard of Care laws in all states and how special relationships are affected and duties heightened when agencies use certain language in their written materials.
Contact Information:Big I Maryland102 St Claire Pl., Ste 1AStevensville, MD. 21666P: 410-766-0600E: info@bigimd.com
Contact Information:
Big I Maryland
102 St Claire Pl., Ste 1A
Stevensville, MD. 21666
P: 410-766-0600
E: info@bigimd.com
@ 2023 Independent Insurance Agents of Maryland, Inc