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Why Certificates of Insurance...Just Why? (ABEN)

  • December 05, 2024
  • 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
  • ABEN Webinar

Why Certificates of Insurance...Just Why? (ABEN)

Course #106085 | 2 P&C

Without using hyperbole, thousands of certificates of insurance (COIs) are issued every day; and, again without hyperbole, most of them are issued improperly. In fact, your agency may have issued an improper certificate as recently as this morning.

What is it about COIs that can get an agency in trouble? If there were just one or two things, it would make your job a whole lot easier, but in reality, there are about 27 different ways a COI can get you in trouble. OK, so 27 isn't an exact number, but you get the idea. A "simple" COI is a potentially dangerous weapon that can be used against your agency.

Contact Information:

Big I Maryland

102 St Claire Pl., Ste 1A

Stevensville, MD. 21666

P: 410-766-0600

E: info@bigimd.com

@ 2023 Independent Insurance Agents of Maryland, Inc