9 Rules for Reading An Insurance Policy (ABEN) Course #106859 | 2 P&C Insurance policies are subject to the standard law of contracts; but beyond simple contract law, insurance contracts are bound by unique provisions and requirements specific to insurance. An understanding of these unique legal characteristics is necessary to understand the insurance contract. Once the unusual characteristics of insurance contracts are understood, the rules for reading any insurance policy can be applied.
9 Rules for Reading An Insurance Policy (ABEN)
Course #106859 | 2 P&C
Insurance policies are subject to the standard law of contracts; but beyond simple contract law, insurance contracts are bound by unique provisions and requirements specific to insurance. An understanding of these unique legal characteristics is necessary to understand the insurance contract. Once the unusual characteristics of insurance contracts are understood, the rules for reading any insurance policy can be applied.
Contact Information:Big I Maryland102 St Claire Pl., Ste 1AStevensville, MD. 21666P: 410-766-0600E: info@bigimd.com
Contact Information:
Big I Maryland
102 St Claire Pl., Ste 1A
Stevensville, MD. 21666
P: 410-766-0600
E: info@bigimd.com
@ 2023 Independent Insurance Agents of Maryland, Inc