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Should I Do A Roth IRA? (ABEN)

  • October 03, 2023
  • 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • ABEN Webinar

Should I Do A Roth IRA? (ABEN)

Course #110015 | 2 L&H

Federal income taxes are at their lowest point in many years. With the National Debt over $30 Trillion, a rise in taxes is imminent. This seminar shows ways to create tax free money for the future. It emphasizes both the Individual Roth IRA and the Roth 401(k). 

Learning Objectives: 
  • How/What Federal Income tax applies to
  • Types of Retirement Income
  • How a Roth IRA works and it's benefits
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Big I Maryland

102 St Claire Pl., Ste 1A

Stevensville, MD. 21666

P: 410-766-0600

E: info@bigimd.com

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